Monday, December 14, 2009

Senyru Time

Christmas morning dawns
small feet pad long halls
…eyes light up the room

Christmas morning dawns
small feet pad long halls
…eyes like stars explode

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Slow Goodbye

We watched eighteen wheels
rolling up the long curved
rise, our drive, trees we planted,
watered, arching over, now
shadows falling thick,
dense air of sighs.

What remained of our possessions
moving toward retirement,
distant from this sheltered cove,
Weeping Willows dripping leaves,
wind-brushed grass where Holsteins
grazed, unfazed and unaware
of our goodbyes, whispered
to all of them,
the lone great heron,
beavers in their den,
turtles sunning on the shore
once ours,
uncluttered now
our kayaks sold.

Hands clasped, we pressed
for comfort from the future,
then released our grasp
to go.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Changing Places

Changing Places

he turns the door knob --
discovers she’s too ill
to awaken yet

he’ll take their daughters
to the mall for play and food --
let them find ice cream

In a later life
Mother guides his new wheel chair --
two girls skip ahead

today grandparents
on sideline bleachers --
children running free

Clearing Space at Four

Clearing Space at Four

so short my little broom
I swished from side to side
pushing pebbles on the path
passing round the bend
beyond their sight

though they feared
me lost
I sweept on and on
at sticks and dirt

beneath my pen today
thought uncoiling free

like that morning
in a darkened wood
I am never lost but
present to myself

Friday, October 2, 2009



If one memory lingered
it would be the moment
in that rental car
on the graveled overlook
where we slid the windows
wide open to the sea
breezes pushing in
to our heated space
where skin reddened in the glint
of sun
and sparks broke through
our shield
glimmered over cliffs
to shimmer in the ocean spray
unruffled by our gaze
unstoppable in our pause
in the middle of our lives
where we were
no longer looking out
but reaching
frozen, forever
eyes attending only
to the other.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Structural bones
beneath my skin
halted early,
devious denial
prepared to complicate.

I blamed my height,
the lack of it,
for ladders, missteps,
and not being chosen.

I stretch to reach,
to peek, lean out from
behind the podium,
before I speak.

I extricate obstacles
hope you do not escape
without my image,

a remembrance
of how shortness
climbed into your view.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Time Before

Time Before

she remembers much
about the years that
followed that dark night
but not much of the
times before
when he owned his voice,
his leg, his arm, the
day, an easy flow

she writes on and on
hoping to conjure
by the inky flow
beneath her pen, the
times before
when shaded coolness
from the sycamore
fell, all gathered round

one summer afternoon
bushel baskets full, of
butter beans and peas,
where she sat watching
his fingers
spread and guide the heart
of her listening to
plop, plop fall in pans

his filling easy
like his Mom’s, his aunt’s,
their voices full of
story passing round
of the city girl
fumbling with each pod
trying to catch on

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Five Short Mako-Style pomes

(Lunes 5 3 5 and variations)


Rest your hand upon the knob
Before you turn
Into the space I’ve saved


Speed unchecked increases chance
Of missing out
On days uncaught by you


Hate persuades a fearful place
Deflates the soul
Then hides grave faults


Sun upon the frozen pond
Enough to spark
And melt my angry heart


Time bestows a wealth of marks
Unwelcome all
Except audacity

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Scared Space

Scared Space

I write
to open space
large enough for silence.
I listen, become present to

In The Middle of the Field

The Middle of the Field

I loved Friday nights and football games, played
in cold or rain. Still we twirled and strutted to
their cheers, feet stomping metal bleachers,
hands cupping steam, coco wafting, arms wrapping
round this week’s special friend, as they watched us

stretched out, a long line fronting clarinets,
and flutes, and horns, all stepping to the drums
sounding deep the beat, reverberations,
ourselves believing we were a glorious sight
on Friday nights under lights, still so unaware

Monday, August 24, 2009


over the river
a shimmering dance
....thurnderous applause

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stranded On The Road

On and on in all directions
palmetto, sand, and slash pines stretch,
stiff grained and upright, as shadows
fall, reach back the way we’ve come.

Earlier my ocean fervor
imagined us refreshed, a drive of
seaside sights, awash with breezes,
our family fun in salty air.

Still weak from surgery and stroke
he smiles and gestures, yes and no.
His broken language drags, murmurs
to my suggestions like this ride.
Wrapped in grandma’s fragile arms
our baby, six months old, sleeps on,
while her five-year old big sister,
face pressed to pane, pleads, Mom take me.

Edgy, one thumb extended, I
stand the length of desolation
begging to be taken, when
a camper driver brakes his speed.

I force my anxiety to run
from our stalled car, the four of them,
their eyes searching, wanting
me to come back real quick.

The camper couple cleared a bench,
drove east for miles and miles, while
I measured minutes, some desires
to flee responsibility, my world
there, waiting for a wrecker.

Today, I remember them,
that mechanic, crawling,
patience, and the damaged parts,
those rescuers leaving me
alone to navigate the rest.